My learning journey

In May 2021 my path at Platzi Master began, with intense days to learn in this world of programming and face many challenges as Front-End vdeveloper.

Amazing people

On this trip I met a lot of smart and interesting people, but the best part was meeting my coaches, since to this day they haven't stopped supporting me in my professional growth.

What have I learned?

I learned the DOM structure of HTML. Flex-box, Grid-layout, animation, selectors and methodologies designed from CSS. Asyncorizm, Callstack, scope, primitive types, objects, functions, in JavaScript. and other learnings such as Bootstrap, SASS, Stylus, GitHub, SCRUM and English

Short-term goal

I want to be in two years a professional Front-End developer, I also want to know English, speak and write it well, I want to learn database and Backend, and why not? UX/UI design.

Long-term objective

My dream since I was a teenager is to be a professional guitarist and pianist, in 10 years I hope to be one, on the other hand I want to learn how to make video games, learn about artificial intelligence and learn German. I hope to travel a lot and meet interesting people, places and magical thoughts.

Copyright © 2021 Desarrollado por Jhonny-GS